The purpose of this page is to consolidate and present all relevant Covid-19 information in one convenient place.

 Competition Tribunal Covid-19 Directive - Hearing Cases During Alert Level 3 Of The Lockdown9 June 2020Download 
Competition Tribunal Covid-19 Directive - Covid-19 Excessive Pricing Complaint Referrals6 April 2020Download
Excessive Pricing Referrals (GG NO.43205)3 April 2020Download
Competition Tribunal COVID-19 Directive - During The National Lockdown Period26 March 2020Download
COVID-19 Block Exemption For The Banking Sector (GG NO.43127)23 March 2020Download
Healthcare Sector Exemptions From Sections 4 And 5 of The Act (GG NO.43114)
19 March 2020Download
Emergency Price Controls For Toilet Paper, Masks And Other Goods (GG NO.43116)19 March 2020Download
Competition Tribunal COVID-19 Procedures 17 March 2020Download